Donnerstag, November 23, 2006

Arrival in Cambodia

Hi everybody,

we arrived yesterday in Cambodia. Still Frede and me are having a great time! Up 2 now very interesting Country... This morning we changed our hotel from last night and checked in at "Home Sweet Home" which is much nicer and cheaper. Remember: We are backpackes ;o)

2day we visited the office of here in Siem Reap to change our schedule. In 24 hours Tino from PLAN will pick us up 2 bring us 2 my godchild Sa-on :o)

Thats's all for now... 2 B continued...


2 Kommentare:

Unknown hat gesagt…

Hallo Jungs!

Freut mich dass euch gut geht. Jetzt ist also Kambodia dran...

Schade dass die meisten Texte in englisch geschrieben sind...
Aber die Fotos erzaehlen auch einiges...

Wuensche euch weiterhin viel Vergnuegen und Abenteuer in Asien!!!

Helga aus Ungarn

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hi U2,
if you have time in the evening at Siem Reap, just have a look into Dead Fish Restaurant...pretty crazy place...If you want to shop maybe Central Market will give you more opportunities to bargain for really low prices than the Old Market does...Looking forward to see you at Bangkok. K&M